The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly with Style Subscription Services

Which Style Subscription Box is Right for You?

Many of our Shop the City clients have been around to try all the different ways to up their style game; following YouTube guides, poring over Pinterest, trying virtual stylists and subscription boxes.

Styling subscription boxes have become a big hit in today’s fast-paced high-trend world. I mean, how easy is it to fill out a quick survey and have someone send you clothes to try on instead of wandering the racks and racks of a store? BUT. Be wary of these subscription services, as the hidden costs and qualities might shock you.

Here’s what we’ve gathered from our own personal experience, and from what you clients are saying, to help you make the right choice for you!

  1. Stitch Fix

This might be the most popular of choice for those wanting to newly upgrade their style game. However, it tends to be the most short-lived.

The Pros: With a $20 styling fee per box, Stitch fix comes in as the cheapest! The clothes are also the most affordable offering, making it a great entry-level purchase for someone new to the work force or trying to change up their style with out breaking the bank.

The Cons: To start, the price comes at a, well, price. The Stylists are not fashion professionals, but generally part time employees who mostly work out of their homes in the midwest. They’re given trend boards each season to follow, but their style knowledge tends to stop there. Many of the prints are very “safe” and almost matronly, without much room for either timeless or trend.

For the clothes, again, price. You may think that cheap contemporary labeled blouse you got was a great deal, but you won’t be feeling that way when you realize the runs in it after just a couple of wears, or that the poly-blend fabric makes you feel itchy or traps your sweat. You’ll need a fresh top sooner than you think, generating them more sales.

2. Trunk Club

Nordstrom’s answer to Stitch Fix is in line with Nordstrom’s brand, and definitely a step up.

The Pros: First off, the styling fee per box is $25, not much more than Stitch Fix making it super attainably affordable. Trunk Club’s stylists are based out of their major hubs, meaning they’re a little more up to their knees in whats currently trending. All of their stylists have been picked from their retail stores and therefore have a basic concept of styling and fashion as it pertains to real people. The Brands are Nordstrom brands, meaning your more likely to know how certain ones fit you and can make easier judgements on what will work for you or not prior to your box shipping.

The Cons: Personally, not all stylists are the same, and I’ve had some completely not listen to me and go their own way with my box. However, you can always ask for a new stylist until you find the right one. In addition, sometimes I feel like stylists like to throw in some splurge items that are out of your budget in order to make commissions or sales quotas. Granted, in my experience they’ve been pieces I have absolutely LOVED but it does leave a bad taste in your mouth to be shown something you can’t afford.

3. Le Tote

This subscription, noted for being for the “working woman” is full of contemporary labels perfect for your wear to work wardrobe. It’s a rental service, with the option to keep what you love.

The Pros: As a rental service, I love that there’s no obligation to keep or buy from your box. With pricing at $59/month ($79 for maternity wear), its a good deal if you’re on a space-crunch in your closet. As a rental service, you can easily choose your favorites and skip the “Stylist” aspect and having to deal with a stylist who potentially doesn’t get “your” aesthetic.

The Cons: The brands offered by Le Tote are affordable contemporary; you’ll likely find a lot of polyester and other man made fabrics, and the quality may be lacking. The styles themselves are also reflective of a contemporary aesthetic; plain, simple pieces in basic colors or inoffensive prints make these items great for everyone, but not very exciting if you don’t fodder your wardrobe with statement pieces.

4. ThredUp Goody Box

The Pros: You’re saving the environment by shopping secondhand, and ThredUp uses all recyclable materials! You’re also saving money on each item, as they are generously priced used/consigned clothing. They also go into Plus Sizing, up to size 34. We also love that, because they take most brands, you could have a really versatile selection in your box.

The Cons: Like with any used clothing, the condition can be inconsistent. You could get brands like Forever21 or H&M, or even something higher end like Alice & Olivia or Helmut Lang, depending on your preferences, all for a great price, but they may come pre-loved with small stains, runs, or smells you can’t seem to get rid of.

5. Rachel Zoe’s Box of Style

The Pros: I love that this Style Box, though not customizable, is curated by a professional stylist (as opposed to the other boxes which are put together by sales associates). This subscription tends to have the IT items of the moment, the must-have trends and celebrity favorites. It’s mostly higher priced and higher quality items, so you’re definitely getting your money’s worth (each box has about $700 worth of goodies!).

The Cons: But, with higher priced items comes a higher price tag. The Box of Style is $99 a quarter (that’s right, they only offer four a year) or one lump sum of $350 for all four for the year. If you’re not into being trend-forward or wearing the it-items, this wouldn’t be the box for you.

Box of Style - Which Subscription Box is Right for You

No matter which route you go, though, you will get a loosely curated for you selection of stylings. OR, you could book a Shop the City session and get a fully customized to you list of items to shop without the stress of shipping back and forth.

Have you tried any subscription boxes? Any feedback, or ones you’ve absolutely loved!? We’d love to hear about them!

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