FOUR Reasons Why You Feel Like You Have Nothing to Wear

FOUR Reasons Why You Feel Like You Have Nothing to Wear

I recently shared a series with my email subscribers going over the top FOUR reasons I’ve found my clients overwhelemed and feeling like they had nothing to wear. Ready to read them all in one place? Start here and then scroll down for the absolute NUMBER ONE reason you might feel like you have a closet full of clothes and nothing to wear.

The Number FOUR Reason You Have Nothing To Wear?

You don't know your own personal style.

When you're in your 20s, style comes easy; you follow the magazines, go shopping with your girlfriends, soak up inspiration from the world on the regular. But as you get older and life gets busy, with work, a family, kids, et cetera, your brain starts taking up less space for that sort of inspiration, especially since you've (generally) settled into a body with a consistent shape and size so you don't need to be buying new clothes constantly. Except now you feel stuck; you've been wearing the same clothes for 2,5,10 years and they're beginning to feel drab. They no longer feel "you", but how do you know what "you" style is anymore?

Sure, you may have taken a quick online quiz but you’re personal style isn’t “one size fits most” - it’s deeply personal and multifaceted.

Which is why every single styling session with me starts with a style assessment where we go through some images to get a feel for what you like and don’t like. Then, we discuss your lifestyle! Everything from what you do for work, what you do for fun, what kind of tv you watch and music you listen to, even your favorite vacation spot all get thrown into a pot and mixed together until we have YOUR perfect personal aesthetic.

The Number THREE Reason You Have Nothing To Wear?

Visual Clutter.

I recently worked on a client's closet that felt like pure chaos. There was no organization; dresses, jackets, vacation pieces, work wear, blouses, all mixed in all willy nilly. There were even some dress wear pieces folded and mixed in with tee shirts 🤯 This sort of clutter and disorganization made it so she barely even knew what she had and didn’t really know where to look when she was getting ready. By the end of her session, though, we had reorganized her closet in a way that made sense and made it easiest to find pieces she needs to make full outfits.

The next step? Ensuring all her clothes are on the same hanger to create visual uniformity so the only visual differences she finds in her closet and the different pieces, helping make it easier to find what she wants.

The Number TWO Reason You Have Nothing To Wear?

You're always hunting for a bargain.

Love a good deal?


But always shopping the sales racks? Sure you’re getting a good price. But generally those items are on sale for a reason - the fit is off, they’re dated styles, or they’re too-statement making for everyday wear. Same goes with exclusively shopping the "sample" and "off sell" shops like TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Ross. These stores are carrying overflow items that weren't bought as well as last season's cast offs - not ideal for the stylish, versatile wardrobe.

You need to find BALANCE in your wardrobe, starting with quality basics (which rarely go on sale) and a few timeless pieces. And THEN you can sprinkle in some fabulous one of a kind pieces that you can boast about finding on sale.

and now the Number One Reason You Have Nothing To Wear?


Let’s talk DECISION FATIGUE. I recently had a client who had 38 black blouses. THIRTY EIGHT. It’s no wonder she was overwhelmed getting dressed each day. There were so many options that she could never decide, so she’d always just gravitate towards the same few leaving most of her clothes untouched. During our session we found which were her go-tos and made sure they’re in good enough condition to keep in rotation and then found fun ways to wear some of her lesser worn pieces. We culled her wardrobe and left her with about 8 black blouses to choose from - enough variety to keep it interesting without being overwhelming.

The same thing can happen whether you have a closet full of prints, color, or neutrals. If there’s too many options it overwhelms and makes you feel like you have nothing to wear - at least until I come in!

Feeling like one, or multiple of these reasons are holding you back from living your most stylish life? Contact me today and let’s get your wardrobe to make sense and work for YOU!

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