the 30 Day Wardrobe Challenge with Shop the City

the 30 Day Wardrobe Challenge with Shop the City

This August the Shop the City team is inviting clients, followers, and friends to join in a 30 Day Wardrobe Challenge with us! This is completely free to join in, as we want to encourage everyone participating to re-think their wardrobe for 30 days this month.

Here’s the details:

Join us via socials with #STC30DayChallenge

Join us via the private Facebook group here

Join us for daily emails by subscribing here (we promise after the month is over we’ll go back to regularly scheduled once-a-month email blasts)


Who can join? Anyone! You don’t need to be following or subscribed, we just encourage you to do your best to try different outfits in your closet.

Whats the purpose of the challenge? We want to challenge ourselves, customers, followers, and friends to really think about their wardrobe every day this month. To really get dressed in something that they like, to challenge their creativity and inspiration. At the end of the month we hope everyone has a new found confidence in their wardrobe, as well as an appreciation for maybe some lesser worn items. We hope that by the end of the month we have helped everyone to pare down their wardrobe of items that no longer fit or bring them joy.

What do I need to start? We recommend starting with all of your laundry clean and taking a good look at everything that might be hiding so you can start the month fresh and ready to work some outfit magic.

Do I need to post to social media to be a part of this? Nope! you can just follow along for inspiration. Again, we’re just encouraging you to try to rethink your wardrobe.

Why August? Aren’t there 31 days? Why, yes there are! But burnout is real, life happens, and we want everyone to get at least one break day whenever you choose.

But what about seasonal wear? We chose August because, if you live in the Bay then you know this month you could see all seasons. If you don’t, you’re maybe starting to think about fall transitions and layers.

But I already hate all my clothes. What do I do? I recommend scheduling a wardrobe audit or styling session to break that mindset and fine tune your style and what you need! You can book a service here.

I want to do a style challenge but August doesn’t work for me. Is there another option? We’re working on it! Subscribe to stay up to date!

How can I get inspired? Check out our Pinterest and be sure to follow us on InstaGram for daily inspos.

Comments are on so feel free to ask any other questions and we’ll be happy to answer!

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